Doubtless Bay and surrounds.
GOT Water?
DB Waterman's

Call or TXT today to arrange a delivery
Locals Delivering to locals
We have built our reputation by offering the highest level of customer service.
Whether you need drinking water, a swimming pool filled or a new septic or water tank bedded in. We have a purpose built, fully compliant water tanker ready to deliver water to you.
Please call or TXT us to make a booking for your water delivery.
Prepayment via internet banking is Waterman’s preferred payment option but Waterman also accepts Cash on delivery and we can accept EFTPOS payments in areas that have good SPARK mobile network reception.
Kiwibank 38-9022-0807893-00
A/c Name DB Waterman
MSD Ref : DB Waterman CUR002237446
DB Waterman in Action

What Our Clients Say?
...they turned up within three hours after my cries for help on a Saturday morning. I had come home after a few days away and thought I had a hole in my tank…..Then we found out I had left the garden hose on and had a good laugh. I also got the Seniors Discount.